Lessons for my daughters

Hello people! Hope y’all are doing great. I’m doing ok… I don’t think I have a lot to complain about, apart from the usual work stuff. I keep reminding myself that it could be worse. I’m not in Sambisa, I don’t have Ebola and one of the people I owe money just died so I should count my blessings abi? I’m kidding… I’m still going to have to pay his next of kin  ( ._.)  The only thing I’m sad about is the fact that today marks the end of my “bloggering” career as we know it. One of my…

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Office bathroom selfies…

Hello people! Hope you guys are doing great. Today started out so sloooow… I got to work and for the first few hours, absolutely nothing was happening. This new role of mine is so very different from my last role where Monday mornings were always chaotic. Today, I spent close to an hour taking selfies in the bathroom. I really liked the selfies so I did what my boss always asks us to do- I went the extra mile and took proactive steps and got one of the cleaners to help me take full-length pictures of me in my new dress……

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Let’s catch up… :)

Hello beautiful people! How have you guys been? I feel like I’m just crawling out of a very dark hole after weeks in hiding… which is technically what I’m doing. It’s been ages since my last post and A LOT has happened. I stayed away because I thought I would have a different ending to this story, but I don’t. So I will have to tell you as it is… It started at the end of May when I finally lost my client for good. Again, I was pulled out of their office and brought back to head office and…

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Children of God, PRAAAISE DA LORD!!!

Hello wonderful people! Good morning… How are you this beautiful morning? In case you can’t tell, I’m in a great mood 😀 and I’ll tell you why… I have a colleague who lives with her sister and brother-in-law in my area. Whenever I have to go to the mainland for work, I usually get a ride with them. Her brother-in-law drops us off in front of the office and it makes life a million times easier for both of us. However, her bro-in-law is a bawse… nigga can wake up on any day of the week and decide to not go…

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My day off…

Hello people! :'( I’m ill… I had a funky piece of turkey from the office yesterday. It looked funny, but the chef claimed that it was grilled  turkey so I ordered it. I should’ve suspected something was wrong when I could hear it clucking and flapping it’s wings, but I was hungry, so I ate it for dinner when I got home. Then I had my bath and went to bed pretty early… I woke up in the middle of the night (around the time my pastor says that witches start their meetings)… almost 1:00am and I felt terrible. My intestines…

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