Do you believe?

Hello beautiful people!!… I’ve been meaning to tell you about church on Sunday. This was supposed to be Monday morning’s post but so much has happened this week. It started some months ago, when we had this program in church. It was in our head parish in Port-Harcourt and three quarters of my church traveled to Rivers state for the program. Throughout the program, a number of guest pastors ministered. I didn’t keep up with the events but from all the posters around church, I knew that the star of the show- the show stopping pastor, the one for whom…

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Turning bad stories into witty blog posts…

Hello people… how are you all doing? Nothing new or unusual with me, except I started a new diet on Tuesday 😀 The plan is to stop eating like a horse and not exceed 1000 to 1,200 calories a day. So far, it has been going well… the third day is usually the hardest for me and I’m past that. So, apart from short episodes of hunger-induced lightheadedness, I’m doing good. This is not my first diet and, knowing me, it probably won’t be my last. I’m doing it because I’ve gone back to wearing over-sized clothes to cover up…

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Strike a pose!

Hi people! I’m sorry I’ve been away for a while… things have been kinda tough for me lately (money wise) :'( You will not believe that I’ve had days where I wake up and I’m really not sure where the next meal is coming from. Somehow though, I always get by thanks to family and friends… I don’t mean to sound like one of those testifiers in my church but the truth is, God has kept me 😀 I’m in this mess because last month, I bought something that I’m still paying for. I realize now that I planned poorly…

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If I could write an open letter, it would go like this…

Good morning people! I didn’t get much sleep last night so I’m crankier than usual today. Plus the MD of my company sent for me… says he wants to see me. I hear I’m in big trouble, so I’m at head office this morning. I’ll gist you guys about that later. It should make a nice blog post… Meanwhile, the power situation at home is getting worse by the day. So, last night, while the heat kept me up I was thinking of what it would be like to write a letter to NEPA. If I could write to them,…

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Drop it like it’s haaawt…

Good morning people… 🙁 It’s bright and early Monday morning and I’m already having one of those days. I got beaten by rain and ended up getting to work more than one hour late… I switched on my system and emails started dropping like dead flies. Now I have a ton of work that needs to be done and I don’t even know where to begin. So I’ve done what I sometimes do when I’m overwhelmed… I’ve shoved everything under my desk to be dealt with later. Maybe by the time I’m done writing this post, I’ll be fine. Or…

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