Boo boo’s birthday!!!

Hello beautiful people!!…

Hope you guys enjoyed the Christmas break. It’s been a looong ass weekend and I never thought I would be the one to say that I cannot wait to get back to work. Or maybe not necessarily work work… maybe just the office. Anything to get out of the house. I went to church this morning and everyone kept asking where I’ve been, from the pastor to my group leader to the security men. I miss just one Sunday service and Christmas morning service and it’s like I was the one who turned Mary and Joe back at the inn…

Meanwhile, today is my baby brother’s birthday!!! Yaaaaaaaaay!!!

You know how, in every family, there’s an underdog? He’s the one who starts out like he won’t have much to offer, so no one really focuses on him. It’s worse when he’s the last born cos it’s easy to just assume that he’ll grow up spoiled…

Well, that’s the story of my baby brother. It’s not like we thought he was useless. Far from it. It’s just that he didn’t do anything new that my parents hadn’t already seen in the ones before him. The only different thing was that he was the last child and last born kids never really outgrow their cuteness. He was cute forever, and the rest of us kids shamelessly relied heavily on his cuteness. We used it to get whatever we wanted from our parents.

“Enyi, go and tell mummy that you want to drink mineral…”

“Enyi, go and tell daddy that you want biscuit…”

“Enyi, go and tell daddy that you were the one who squandered Ngozi’s inheritance on Coldstone Ice-cream…”

It always worked like a charm.

Anyway, eventually, the baby grew up and it was time to go to school. I don’t know whose bright idea it was to send him to a military secondary school, but that’s where he went. He went in a child and came out so independent. By the time he graduated from university (with a first class), he was a grown ass man. It was as though we blinked and he grew up just like *snaps fingers* that!

Now, he’s like the shining star of our house and everything he touches turns to gold!!

I can’t describe how very proud I am of him. He takes good care of me and always always has a word of wisdom… When I’m having issues at work, especially with a co-worker, he always knows the emotionally intelligent thing to do. Once in a while, when I come up with one of my hare brained business ideas, he’s there to squish it before I give it life and go bankrupt. There’s absolutely nothing I can’t talk to him about.

He’s funny and he’s one of those annoying people who always see the bright side of everything. And I love how he lives life to the fullest… doing white people shit like mountain climbing and sky diving.

Enyi, I wish you the very best and I pray that God will continue to bless you. You are the bestest baby brother in the whole. wide. world!!! Thank you for always always being there… I love you loads.


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  1. Omg! He’s fooooiiinee! Happy birthday Enyi!

  2. The real question is ‘is he singu?’

  3. Hbd lil bro. Wllnp. Wishin u more of God’s blessins

  4. Awwwww!
    Happy birthday to him!
    He sure sounds like an amazing guy….. 🙂

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